Ao compilar minha classe Utils.Persistence.Menu no Studio ele apresenta a seguinte mensagem

ERROR #5356: Compiled storage class '%Storage.SQL doesnot exist

ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class 'Utils.Persistence.Menu'

essa classe foi alterada no IRIS 2024 e após essa alteração começou a apresentar esse erro no CACHE 2018

no IRIS ela compila sem erros.

Alguém sabe como resolver?

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Dear all, I hope you are well.

We migrated from CACHE 2018 to IRIS 2023.1 on 12/2/2024, and I am having a big problem identifying the client's IP address, because IRIS is getting an IP number with characters as if it were IPV6. Our LINUX support has already made all the configurations requested by Intersystems support, disabled IPv6, and several other configurations, but we have not been successful.

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