ir ao artigo Robert Cemper · Fev. 1 Try this from %Library.Routine: flag=2 classmethod Delete(rtnname As %String, flag As %String = 0, supressbackup As %Boolean = 0, nsp As %String = $namespace) as %Status Delete the routine rtnname. If the rtnname is not fully qualified we will resolve this into a fully qualified name first and then proceed with the rest of the delete. For example if you specify 'test' and there is a 'test.mac' it will resolve to this, if there was only a 'test.obj' it will resolve the name to this. The parameter flag specifies how much to delete. The options are: 0 - Delete entire routine, for a MAC routine this will delete MAC, INT, OBJ. For an INT routine it will delete INT and OBJ, for a INC routine it will only delete the INC, for a BAS routine it will delete the BAS and the OBJ code. 1 - Delete just the named routine, for example for a MAC routine it will only delete the MAC and it will leave the INT and OBJ if present. 2 - Delete all the source code but leave any OBJ code.
ir ao artigo Robert Cemper · Jun. 26, 2023 Artigo concorrente publicado também em outra comunidade/idioma You may have missed my translation of>>>> Go to the original post written by @Robert Cemper
ir ao artigo Robert Cemper · Jun. 1, 2022 Você ainda espera algum eco?Ou a questão, entretanto, está desatualizada?
ir ao artigo Robert Cemper · Abr. 2, 2022