· Apr 27, 2021

First time install of IRIS for Health on Mac

I'm attempting a first-time installation of IRIS for Health on my home Mac for eval purposes. I want to be able to install IRIS and Ensemble. I downloaded the package but it doesn't come with instructions, and I'm running into issues. Is there a straightforward install instruction set online, or does anyone have one you can pass along?


Thanks, Jim Winski

Product version: IRIS 2020.4
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Documentation about installation IRIS in macOS.

The easiest way to try it is to start it with docker.

docker run -d --name irishealth -p 52773:52773 store/intersystems/irishealth-community:2021.

With installed docker when this command will successfully download the image, and starts IRIS for Health, you may try to open it, as usual by URL http://localhost:52773/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp, with default login and password, but will ask to change it.

For Ensemble

docker run -d --name ensemble -p 52772:52772 daimor/intersystems-ensemble:2018.1

But, be aware, that all your changes will disappear when the container will be stopped and deleted.